Welcome to the first ever course in Linguistics at R.L. Paschal High School! I will use this blog to discuss what we have been working on in class, to provide you with links to further information that may help you in your work, and to post stuff that I find funny, however loosely related to the class. Check in frequently or subscribe - this is the easiest way for me to communicate with you all!
Also, give me some feedback on what you'd like to see on this site. I'm debating setting up an Edmodo.com page for this class. What do you think?
First assignment: In the comments, post your linguistic "pet-peeves" - the things people do in either written or spoken language that really bother you. We will discuss them in class, but feel free to discuss them here as well!
Is y'all or ya'll considered the correct one? Or is it both? Also, do you have any advice for studying Linguistics in college?